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Discover Your Soul's Journey Through Astrology & Akashic Records w/Debbie Ritter

Photo of Deborah H
Hosted By
Deborah H.
Discover Your Soul's Journey Through Astrology & Akashic Records w/Debbie Ritter


We will be joining Debbie Ritter in a captivating journey that blends the ancient wisdom of tropical astrology with the profound depths of Akashic Record readings. This interactive presentation is designed to unveil the unique intersections between celestial influences and soul narratives, offering participants an enriching path to self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.

Unveiling the Process
Debbie begins by introducing the foundational principles behind her work with the Akashic Records, employing the Pathway Prayer Process©, a technique she mastered under the guidance of Linda Howe. She will demystify the process of accessing these celestial archives, providing attendees with the tools they need to explore their own Records.

Astrological Integration
With the stage set for exploration, Debbie will guide participants on how to weave their astrological knowledge into their Akashic journeys. Emphasizing the significance of the sun sign, moon sign, and north node, she reveals how these astrological elements can illuminate one's life purpose and soul's history. Through this unique synthesis, attendees will discover new dimensions of insight and guidance.

Meet Debbie Ritter
Debbie Ritter stands at the intersection of various spiritual paths — an Akashic Records reader, medium, astrologer, and Tarot reader with a rich background in Tibetan Buddhism, A Course in Miracles, and Shamanism. Trained by Linda Howe, Debbie uses the Pathway Prayer Process© to access the Akashic Records, offering readings that are both insightful and transformative.
Her practice is grounded in creating a space of loving acceptance and wisdom, fostering an environment where profound transformation can occur. Whether working with clients or teaching students, Debbie's approach is characterized by compassion and a deep commitment to spiritual growth.
Discover more about Debbie and her work at

Embark on a Journey of Cosmic Discovery
This presentation promises to be a transformative experience, blending instruction, practice, and exploration in a supportive and enlightening environment. Whether you are new to the realms of astrology and the Akashic Records or seeking to deepen your existing practice, Debbie's workshop offers a unique opportunity to explore the celestial blueprint of your soul's journey.

This will be virtual online Zoom session.
As always, it is completely free to attend.
A recording of the session will be shared with those who RSVP after the session and put up on NEO Astrology Group YouTube Channel.

Photo of NEO Astrology Group group
NEO Astrology Group
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