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New Meetup: Little Si MODERATE 10# pack

From: Wendy B.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 7:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Eastside Hikers Meetup Group!

What: Little Si MODERATE 10# pack

When: January 9,[masked]:00 AM

Little Si Parking Lot
43884 SE Mt. Si Road
North Bend, WA 98045

Conditioner hike 10# pack...moderate pace.

Meet in the Little Si parking lot at 11 AM or at the Eastgate Park & Ride (east entrance under the bridge) at 10:20 if you want to carpool (must note cell# in RSVP if carpooling). The Little Si parking lot is small, so it would be nice to consolidate and bring fewer cars. If you ride with someone, please offer to pay them $2-3 for gas. There are restrooms (Honeybucket style) at the trailhead.

This hike is 5 miles round-trip and the elevation gain is 1200 feet. It is a nice, moderate hike with lots of variety and fantastic views at the top. It should take an hour or so to get to the top and another hour back down. Bring a picnic lunch to eat at the top and if you have something to share with the group, that's great too! It's often windy at the summit, so we might not stay very long.

Although this is an easy hike that the whole family can do, except perhaps small children, watch the kids on the summit. There are sheer drops and the rocky trail near the summit can be slippery. I don't expect we will have the place to ourselves - it might be crowded. Dogs are allowed on leashes. Bring plenty of water. Call Wendita[masked] if you are late or lost.

Directions: Take I-90 to exit 32. Turn left over the freeway and drive 1/2 mile to North Bend Way. Turn left on North Bend Way and follow it for 1/4 mile. Turn right on Mount Si Road. The trailhead parking lot is on the left, 2.5 miles down the road. If you get to the Mount Si parking lot (Big Si), you have gone too far.

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