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What we’re about

Are you looking to elevate your fitness level and transition from a walker to a runner? Join our Worst Pace Scenario Central Park Runners group! We welcome all levels of runners who are interested in expanding their training and challenging themselves to become stronger, faster athletes. We meet up twice a week. A beginners run midweek aimed at shorter runs for beginners, and a longer run on Saturdays meant as race day prep. Once a month we'll have timed races of various lengths ($5 entry) to test ourselves against one another. I am by no means an expert or professional trainer. I have been running as a hobby over the last 5 years and am an average runner at best. This group is aimed towards average to below average runners, however all levels are welcome. We are here to have fun, be social, meet new friends, and get better day by day. Lace up your sneakers and join us for fun and supportive group runs!

Recommended Items:

- Running shoes
- water
- fitness tracker to track time/distance/heart rate