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Regular Weekly Meeting

Photo of Jamie Glossop
Hosted By
Jamie G. and Shaun G.


We meet each week on Thursday evening to learn about Mindfulness and to explore Mindfulness techniques, including the various different methods of Mindfulness meditation. Sometimes our Thursday meetings are friendly, in-person gatherings (held in the heart of the Nottingham city centre at a pleasant, contemporary venue) and on other occasions they take place online via Zoom, allowing everyone to participate from the comfort and convenience of their own home (which can be a boon for many people on a "school night").

These weekly meetings contain a mix of different elements - all of which are designed to deepen our understanding and experience of Mindfulness in a gentle, uncomplicated and easy-to-understand way. Our weekly meetings include occasional talks from guest speakers, regular film or video presentations about Mindfulness by international experts, plus practical exercises and techniques that can help us to live in a Mindful way. Every week there are some periods of group guided meditation that form a key part of the evening - providing periods of deep relaxation and a direct, practical experience of Mindfulness meditation. The meetings are usually led and hosted by Shaun Glossop, our Group director, who is a highly experienced meditation teacher and a trained MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) coach.

The atmosphere (at both our in-person and online meetings) is very friendly, relaxed and informal - you'll get to meet a great bunch of interesting, like-minded people and new faces are always very welcome!

Our weekly meetings are open to all. There is a modest attendance fee (just £3 to our online meetings, and £5 (waged) or £3.50 (unwaged) at our in-person meetings), this helps to cover the costs of running and promoting the meetings (including the cost of room hire when we meet in-person).

Watch this space for full details of our next meeting! (Please note that, at the moment, all our Thursday meetings are taking place online due to our usual venue for in-person meetings being currently unavailable.)

Photo of Nottingham Mindfulness Group - Meditation & Mindful Living group
Nottingham Mindfulness Group - Meditation & Mindful Living
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