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Northeast Scala Symposium 2012

From: Nathan H.
Sent on: Monday, December 12, 2011, 7:56 PM

RSVPs are open for the 2012 Northeast Scala Symposium. It's March 9 - 11, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

That's right: we can't have it in New York every year, even though we are are the biggest, baddest city, etc. But there are apparently trains and buses that go from here to "Boston", the lowbrow metropolis adjacent to Cambridge. If you really care about Scala, you will take one of them.

The conference will sell out just like last year, so if you want to go you should buy your $50 ticket soon. Please don't wait until it's full and then ask for us to magically create space for you based on special circumstances / reputations / hairstyles. We will say "no, there is still not room", and things will get really awkward.

(^That's the link you need to click.)

We expect to see ny-scala well represented in NE Scala speakers, so please visit the awesome, made by Doug Tangren, and propose a talk or two.

In other news, we're very excited about the January 10 ny-scala meetup, and so are you because the waiting list has 34 people on it. You can show Bill Venners your appreciation, in advance, by helping him and Dick Wall find a venue for their Stairway to Scala training, possibly in late February. If your company can host a week-long Scala course, or if you know of a suitable venue, please get in touch with Bill.

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