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RE: [newtech-1] Myspace - too little too late?

From: Glen D.
Sent on: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 12:26 PM

seems all the ads backfired – they drove people away, and didn’t generate the revenue to maintain a leadership position. 


I think about the facebook movie when dude was running around nyc trying to get advertisers in the beginning, and Zuck had a bigger vision – it seems advertising is the revenue model that everyone goes to first/falls back on.  Mad Men indeed.  Really, how many people just think the ads are annoying?   there are so many new ad networks getting funding – in-game ads, etc. iAd.  the metrics are massaged to look good but really how successful are they?  I guess they have to be there rather than not, but if you take over my screen with video (I’m looking at you, Firefly) I don’t care what you’re selling… I hate you.


and yesterday was the Banner Ad’s bday:  Oct. 27, 1994: Web Gives Birth to Banner Ads


where were you when……………


Glen DaSilva
DaSilva Digital Productions 
[address removed] 


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of EddieN
Sent: Thursday, October 28,[masked]:39 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [newtech-1] Myspace - too little too late?


Isn't MySpace's new design a crib of someone else's?  I thought I saw something to that effect on Mashable yesterday. And I thought this comment on the article was interesting:

The new enforced myspace layout is TERRIBLE. First, bands and musicians DO NOT want an identical layout. The beauty of myspace was that each music artist could have its own wonderful design. Myspace could be the #1 place for musicians -- and in fact, it was. Myspace has the BEST SEO! Then, to wreck the good thing they had going -- they put visual pop-in ads that interfered with the function of the music players. The drop in myspace usage directly correlates to this. Then, they put loud, vocal ads onto the playlist music players. On a music site, why would you even consider ruining the music players? Then, they came up with the new enforced layouts -- which are bland, ugly, impossible to read or look at, old-fashioned and dated-looking, as "hip" as matching shirts worn by fast food workers. The wonderful, creative, identifying myspace layouts were gone for good when the unwary user clicked a simple button. Fun, creativity, beauty, hipness, individuality -- all of it -- gone.

OH -- and NOW myspace has added a spy feature where you can tell who has been on your myspace and vice versa. NO ONE wants this and people are TERRIFIED of it. Yes, it is optional. Myspace browsing has now all but ceased due to this. WHAT THIS MEANS: MYSPACE has intentionally, systematically destroyed itself as place for music. At the same time, Facebook plans to remove all tabs for apps. SO - WHAT THIS MEANS is that THE FIELD IS NOW WIDE OPEN for a new music-oriented leader to step in with a site that actually is GOOD and cares about the musican / band users.

MySpace was THE social networking site for musicians. They bought up imeem in order to bolster that reputation IMO. And now this. How are the (once-)mighty fallen...


Loving Day in TIME Magazine!
And on facebook!
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. -- Bill Gates

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