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Learning Some Tech Behind The Web

From: Rich B.
Sent on: Thursday, March 7, 2013, 6:11 PM

Was wondering if anyone had some time over the next few weeks to meet and provide some guidance, knowledge about some sites and how they were built and perhaps better ways to build them.  

I am looking for someone to help provide some tech 101 on the languages, methodologies, frameworks etc., on some specific web sites, so that I can learn some and be more intelligent when needing to speak about them in general.

Not expecting to be able to code anything, just get some perspective knowledge and insight.  I realize everyone's time is valuable so of course, willing to pay for an hour or two of your time over coffee, at an office etc. 

As I go about trying to create, hire and manage the more information I know the better.
Generally interested in music sites, streaming, and those general areas.

Any help be appreciated, so email me and let me know what you are thinking. Open to suggestions.

Rich B

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