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What a day

From: Ross S.
Sent on: Monday, May 6, 2013, 9:47 PM
Now that this drawn out day is finally drawing to a close, and only the lowest of the riff raff are still clamoring for attention they'll never get, I'd like to welcome the new members that haven't left in disgust.

I promise you that the list is a fun place to chat about tech and days like today are few and far between.

The remaining flailing scum will fade away into the same obscurity from which they emerged, but we'll still be here keeping our wits sharp, and each other on the edge of emerging tech trends.

Even Andy will have a better day tomorrow, and will go back to protecting us from list abuse with his signature bulldog style.

I hope all the gremlins sleep well tonight and turns back into Mogwais come midnight.

As for me, I'll be in Aruba soaking up some sun and thinking good thoughts of you all.

Au revoir, mon amis.

as for me, I'm off 
Ross P. Sclafani
design / technology / creative

let go of even your longest held beliefs,
the only truth is in observation.

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