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Re: [newtech-1] Looking for CTO/technical cofounder

From: Jay M.
Sent on: Thursday, February 11, 2016, 1:05 PM
Here's the actual article link, for those of you who get daily NYTM digests and can't see embedded links:

Jay Melone

References :: VenturePact | Clutch
Portfolio :: Behance | Dribbble
Phone :: +1 (732)[masked]
Social :: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 4:51 PM, Andrew <[address removed]> wrote:
+1 on Jay's article

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 4:40 PM, Jay Melone <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey Rob,

Give this article a read as you're considering your early tech hires / partners.

Jay Melone

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Rob Koyfman <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi - please let me know if you know anyone that might be a good fit for the position below.   I am the founder of a fintech looking to partner with a technology person. 


My goal is to build a democratized financial analysis platform where anyone can use powerful tools to analyze, track and share investment ideas. Currently the offered investment research tools are inadequate (e.g. google or yahoo finance) or too expensive (e.g. Bloomberg).  The product I envision will be focused on semi-professional investors (e.g. RIAs or day traders) and professional investors (analysts, traders, salespeople) but easy enough and free for anyone to use.  


I'm in the early development stage of my start up idea and looking to partner with a person who can help me develop the computational backbone, databases architecture and front end accessibility via a website. 


I have 13 years of experience on Wall Street analyzing equity, options and macro investments. I've used almost every software available for analyzing investments and I believe there is a big opportunity to create a better solution.  My previous roles also focused on presenting ideas to traders and portfolio managers so I'm keenly focused on aesthetics and a creating a program which is intuitive and easy to use.  


I have a detailed presentation and business plan that I can discuss in more detail.


I don't have any software development experience. To compliment my skill set, I'm looking for a partner with the technical skills to help me build this vision. Someone with experience as a developer or engineer at a current financial analysis company like Bloomberg or Factset could be a fit.  Or someone working as a programmers/quant/strat at an investment bank could be another fit. But I'm open to any background.


Goals of the role:

  • Chief Architecture Officer (CAO) or Chief Technology Officer (CTO) who is a capable full stack developer/engineer to lead the build out of a website and underlying architecture from start to finish
  • Supervise the build out of a financial analysis website focused on charting, data manipulation and social posting
  • Conceptualize database architecture, organize data feeds, integrate multiple databases including stock data, fundamental data, economic and macro data, options data and industry data
  • Manage UX design and other front end features
  • Choose the most appropriate sources for data feeds and integrate data feeds into website
  • Proficiency in data visualization and data presentation (Google Charts, Highcharts, Amcharts, D3js, JPGraph)
  • Proficiency in programming languages related to statistics, graphing packages, database management and Web management.   Advanced knowledge of JavaScript, Python, MySQL or related languages
  • Ability to incorporate social component into website design including user profiles, posts, likes, sharing
  • Experience with ensuring website and database security to prevent hacking and data breaches
  • Experience working as an engineer or programmer at a financial software firm (Bloombeg, Factset, Reuters, CapitalIQ, Yahoo Finance, Google Finance) or experience as a quant or strat an investment bank
  • The CTO will probably need to outsource many of the tasks needed to complete this project but he/she will know how to supervise this development through outsourcing and junior hires


Benefits and Salary - I'm looking for a full time partner who buys into my idea and believes this can become a $1B+ company.  I am open to giving away a significant portion of equity to the right person. 


I am also open to working with someone on a part-time basis who can help me outsource and manage the work required to build out this idea.  


My email is [address removed] 

Thank you


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