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Targeting New Buyers of IT: What Do They Want?

From: Nancy N.
Sent on: Monday, August 1, 2016, 2:33 PM
Hi All,

I'm hosting a webinar tomorrow at 11:00AM EST as part of Gartner's High-Tech Tuesday Webinar Series.

Topic: Targeting New Buyers of IT: What Do They Want?

In 60 Minutes you'll learn: 
  • Who are the new buyers of IT and what they are buying
  • What matters most to these buyers at various stages in the buying journey
  • What tech providers need to do to help them buy technology
  • Whether you are navigating the shift from selling to IT people to business people, or selling to business people and meeting IT as a roadblock, one thing is certain: meeting the needs of these new buyers matters.
Have your questions answered by a Gartner analyst.

It's free to attend - register here:

PS: The slides and link to the on-demand recording will be emailed to everyone who registers.



nancy northrop // digital marketing strategist 
[address removed] // [masked]


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