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Re: [newtech-1] Best way for B2B SaaS companies to get customer feedback?

From: Yuwi
Sent on: Monday, August 1, 2016, 2:57 PM
Hi Sarah,

I've worked with B2B SaaS companies for 6 years and our customer success team + marketing quarterbacked the process for customer feedback. 

Operationally, we would reach out to a portion of our client base each quarter with an CSAT/NPS survey of 5-10 questions. It offered Account Managers another opportunity to reach out to each of their customers and also drove opportunities for followup conversations that helped boost engagement. We'd offer perhaps a lottery gift for one respondant, or small branded gifts to each respondant.  All these details are  dependent on how many customers you have to reach out to, really.  

It'd be more difficult to gather this feedback via phone call, I think.  People can be generally less forthcoming when put on the spot.  Calls are also more time consuming for the customer and more resource-heavy for you.  

Best of luck,

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Brandon Sellers <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Sarah,

I usually don't comment on these but since we're working on this right now I thought I'd share my insight.

I think the #1 thing you can do is get in touch with your current customers and ask them why they decided to buy. If you reach out with a targeted and personal campaign to your users (not a mailchimp blast) I think you'll easily be able to get 25 conversations with your customers.

I would also reach out to some prospective customers using a cold outreach tactic strictly to receive feedback on their pain points. If you reach out to people just asking for advice, you'd be surprised by how willing they are to help. This can be done either by phone or email.

So I wouldn't use any special tools besides phone and email. Those are still the best ways to have conversations with customers!

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 5:36 PM Sarah <[address removed]> wrote:
What are the most cost-effective ways to evaluate your SaaS site or service and decide what needs to be improved?

Any favorite tools/strategies to interact with customers?

If anyone has specific insights I would love to connect off-list. Thanks.

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