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Re: [dnd-3] Spaces for use inside public schools

From: Brad V.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 12:36 PM
Ordinarily, you need building permits, generally provided by head custodians. Schools that are open at night have security guards assigned for certain hours. You'd probably be able to apply for a building permit, as a non-profit, but you'd have to be out of the building at whatever time the official school functions end if you don't want to pay for the security. So I'd say it's possible, but not ideal.

--- On Tue, 7/28/09, James Leivers <[address removed]> wrote:

From: James Leivers <[address removed]>
Subject: [dnd-3] Spaces for use inside public schools
To: [address removed]
Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 8:55 AM

Do you have any knowledge on using space within public schools for non-profit organization activities (like us!). I used to play volleyball with who would arrange for people to play in the gyms of various public schools around Manhattan. We'd play at night, the schools would be open. I looked on the public school website and it says space within public schools is open to registered non-profits or other organizations. They list all sorts of space, like cafeterias, gyms, classrooms etc. Any help or knowledge would be great. It looks pretty cheap and there are schools all over.

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