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New Meetup: Glenn White's Sacred Machines

From: Beth E.
Sent on: Thursday, July 10, 2008, 3:53 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The New York City Jazz Meetup Group!

What: Glenn White's Sacred Machines

When: August 5,[masked]:30 PM

Cover includes one drink: $20.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Glenn White's Sacred Machines
CD release concert
August 5, 7:30 pm @ Smalls
10th Street @ 7th Ave. South

With Sacred Machines, the New York City-based saxophonist showcases his intricate ensemble writing with a band of top-flight creative musicians, including alto flutist Jamie Baum, pianist Roberta Piket, bassist Gary Wang, and drummer Jeff Hirshfield. With the front line of tenor sax and alto flute navigating his thoughtful, interweaving melody lines, White creates textures steeped in tradition but with modern qualities reminiscent of Dave Holland's groups or those of his mentors, Jerry Bergonzi and George Garzone.

"White freely admits being influenced by all sorts of things from Coltrane to the Cure. Certainly, he's got the talent to bring these two worlds of music together."
--Arizona Republic

Glenn's new CD Sacred Machines is available now from

Learn more here:

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