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From: Robert R.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 1:05 PM
Hi All

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, GroupOn, - Start-ups are sprouting up every day.... some successful some not. So why not be part of our team and help us make the list of a fast growing start-up? We have the team, the business plan, but are missing a key link---- a CTO who is vested in our business that will help us launch one of the biggest start -ups in NYC.

We are looking to partner with an individual(s) who can code Ruby on Rails, specifically Rails 3.0. We want a hungry coder that loves social media and creating beautiful features in Ruby on Rails. We are not looking to hire a freelancer , as we feel only a vested coder in our company can get us where we need to go. We have a team of 4 dedicated professionals that assist the Marketing/PR, Business Development and Sales of the business. Let's become rich with me and my team! We have a website which is already in production, as well as a good business plan. We are not here looking for free help, instead we are offering equity in our company which in turn is a business that you will come in to enhance and scale. We have limited resources but your assistance will help us get to the next level. We feel that a Ruby on Rails coder vested in our team will truly appreciate and love this project. I must stress that you need to be a proficient Ruby on Rails programmer in NYC, capable of creating a website from scratch, and able to add any functionality to it we may need. We have an existing site in Rails 3.0 , HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, and Jquery. You would come in and get the title of CTO/ co-founder  and take over run development and back end reporting.

I am offering an equity stake and would only like to work with people interested in creating a great business with my team. We prefer a coder in NYC but will consider remote partnerships. Although we feel it would be best for you to be able to travel to NYC to meet the team. So lets talk so you can see if this opportunity is for real! Take the opportunity and connect with me! I will not disclose any information until an NDA is signed for the protection of the business.


Ruby on Rails - 
Rails 3.0
HTML 5 Preferred
Great understanding of utilizing Ruby Gems and Documentation
Server Side knowledge is good to have 

If you're interested pm me and I'll send you the website URL to view the production and we can also skype as well.

Thank you for your interest and I hope we speak


Sent from my iPhone

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