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Re: [NYC-rb] Re: [Workshop] The Art of Cucumber

From: Thomas W.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 11:33 AM
This has got to be one of the oddest conversations I have active in my mailbox now in terms of people misunderstanding each other.

For those who have lost the original email the teacher is Joseph Wilk and info on the class is at
It is a full day class, which puts the $400 price tag about normal, maybe under the expected rate for a fullday workshop. I suspect that volkan assumed it would only be a few hours of class, which would make the price tag expensive. 

Now unless somebody is responding to Peter's interest in high-quality devs a quarter I expect not to get any more emails (even those from Peter clarifying his position). Thanks.


On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Peter Bell <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Vik

(i) Thanks for the clarification - all makes sense

(ii) I'm not the OP. *I* am NOT teaching this course. Just don't want there to be any confusion. I love cucumber, I use it regularly, but I'm not qualified to teach a course on it. Hopefully the OP will jump back in and remind people of his name and the URL for the course because unfortunately I've lost the original emails.

Best Wishes,

On Oct 19, 2011, at 10:24 AM, Vik Venkatraman wrote:

Hey guys -

I feel the need to clarify my initial response, as I fear it may have come across more glib than intended.

I fully agree that time is valuable, especially the instructor of a course like this -- and personally could probably use an overview in Cucumber. It's great that Peter even offered to teach a course -- its just this kind of thing that makes the RoR community so strong.

My feedback on price point was under the assumption that the goal was to get as many people as possible to attend (and hence further the ties within the community) rather than make the most money. I subscribe to the idea that the good will, personal brand and network built through these kinds of things can easily be worth more than $400 to the instructor.

But that's just me. Peter - you should of course charge exactly as much as you think your class is worth. My suggestion is merely to include more factors in the calculation than the ticket price.



Vik Venkatraman
The man makes the clothes. Clothes never make the man.
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