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Sending Bank/Wire/ACH Payments via an API

From: Avi F.
Sent on: Friday, March 2, 2012, 1:58 PM
Hey NYC.rb,

Anyone have experience sending Bank/Wire/ACH Payments via an API? I'm not even sure if I got the financial terminology correct but the use-case is pretty simple, I need to allow people to withdraw money they have in their account to their bank account. I've already implemented this via Paypal (so if you have $100 in your account and click withdraw, we send you $100 from our paypal account) and now I need to do the same but send it to a bank account. So you have $100 in your account, you submit your bank info (routing #, account #, whatever), we connect to our bank and initiate a transfer or payment from our bank account to yours. Make sense? Have been searching for a day to try to find a solution, keep on getting results about accepting payments via eCheck, CC, etc, but nothing about paying people. Thanks in advance!

Avi Flombaum