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Looking for Junior Dev Position

From: Adam S.
Sent on: Friday, November 23, 2012, 3:44 PM
Hello everyone,

I'll keep this short and sweet.  I'm a web developer with 4 years of experience in the front-end and have just recently been learning and developing on the back-end.  I just went through the six month training program Nashville Software School where I learned Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Git, TDD, Agile Methods and a host of other related stuff. It's very much like Dev Bootcamp in San Francisco or Flat Iron School in New York.  It's been an intense process (8-10 hours a day) where I've gotten to learn directly from a dozen or so of the area's biggest developers. The class is wrapping up in the next few weeks and I'm beginning the process of looking for my first junior dev position.  I'm looking at moving to NYC and wanted to reach out to see if any people on here are looking for new devs.  I'd love to get on board with a startup or agency where I can contribute and grow my skills.  I'm passionate about all things web related and a very quick learner.  If so, please check out my info below.  Otherwise, thanks for your time.

Adam Scott

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