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Nickel City Ruby

From: Amanda Q.
Sent on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 5:11 PM
Hi NYC.rb!

I am one of the organizers for Nickel City Ruby which is in Buffalo NY this Sept 20th and 21st

RubyCentral has very generously sponsored a bus that is going to be running from NYC to Buffalo for the conference (leaving the 19th and returning the 22nd). We've made it easy and are offering a package where you can register for the conference and the bus for only $125: That means that travel for the conf is only $26 round trip (way cheaper than a flight and there's WIFI!!). 

There's a limit of 56 seats on the bus. So, sign up soon!! We hope you can make it!

See you there!
Amanda & the NCR Team

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