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Re: [NYC-rb] Ruby jobs

From: Randall R.
Sent on: Thursday, October 8, 2015, 7:45 AM
Hi Michael,

I went through a recent job search using (my affiliate link) and was very satisfied with the process. I now work for Cyrus Innovation, a dev shop that doesn't strictly only do Ruby, but certainly puts a focus on hiring Ruby developers. We would love for you to check us out!

You could also research some other consultancies, like Stride or Pivotal Labs.

Glassdoor and Stack Overflow Careers are okay for searching for open positions, but require a bit more vetting. If you go to Ruby meetups, there will probably be someone there who announces they are hiring. And if you include Ruby on your LinkedIn profile, you will most likely get contacted by recruiters.

Best of luck!
-Randall Reed

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 5:50 AM Michael Stokes <[address removed]> wrote:
What are some good Ruby shops in New York City? Where would be the best place to search for ruby related jobs online? 

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