"These are wonderful, unique workshops. You will be amazed at how much healing and joy you receive during a class. Join us! If this is your first class, please join us as our gift to you at no charge. (Please note, the exchange for future classes is $40.) You can find more info at" Love, Sondra
"It was truly the most powerful healing I have ever been blessed to be a part of." - attendee
If you are looking for a change for the better, or just want an extra boost on your spiritual journey, please join us in these enlightening workshops. You won't be surprised by what you learn in these workshops, you will be TRANSFORMED! In these transformational workshops, you will be brought through a process which will bring you more happiness and love than you can imagine right now. You will enter a powerful healing vortex that will support you and help you release what you no longer need to carry. Through spiritual teachings, channeled meditations and inspirational music, you will enjoy powerful personal journeys while challenging old belief systems that may have kept you stuck in limiting and unhealthy patterns. Take the first step. We are here.
"This Sunday session was like food to the soul. You sat back, enjoyed the good music and spirit took over. What a wonderful way to enjoy a Sunday afternoon, relaxing around like-minded energetic people under the direction of a truly inspirational teacher, Sondra. Thank you for your time, guidance and direction."
"Your class helped me release so much pent up stuff that I didn't even realize was there, I feel like I took this huge baggage off of my back, thank you thank you thank you!"
"I am so honored and feel so blessed you are offering this workshop, it is unlike any other being offered on the planet right now...."
"My life will never be the same."
"The work that we're doing in your classes is just so incredibly powerful. Thank you so much. I love you so much."
"I am still amazed by the magnificence of the evening yesterday. With love and deep appreciation to you."
"Thank you for a wonderful healing yesterday. Sondra, you are a wonderful example of love and it transfers onto all the people you come in contact with. Love,love,love. "
"It was an honor and a privilege to attend your workshop. I wanted to attend your workshop because I know you have such a beautiful and strong connection to God and it is felt by everyone. Thank you."