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Charming Antebellum & Victorian Houses in Southport, CT, plus Waterfront Views

Photo of John
Hosted By
Charming Antebellum & Victorian Houses in Southport, CT, plus Waterfront Views


(Note: This is the same walk that I led on May 19, 2024, but I changed the starting time to an hour later.)

According to The New York Times, the coastal enclave of Southport, CT has a rich array of grand examples of Antebellum and Victorian architecture that reflects the area's affluence during its heyday as a seaport. In 1800s, wealthy farmers, sea captains & shippers built large summer homes with expansive lawns.

We'll walk around Southport's large historic district, which has about 150 historic buildings, many in Antebellum, Gothic & Victorian styles. These properties also have beautiful lawns with lush springtime gardens & are located near the scenic Southport Harbor. And the streetscapes, here & there, will have obsolete objects from bygone eras.

Later, we'll walk around another
neighborhood with historic houses/mansions, not too far from Southport. We'll walk around this prestigious neighborhood, which has a small beach and coastal walkway with sweeping views of Southport Harbor and Long Island Sound.

I'll comment at points of interest, but you will have plenty of time to socialize with others.

Cost: $5.00 per person, paid (in cash) at start of walk.

About 6 to 7 CIRCULAR miles. Moderate (not slow) pace. You have to be capable of doing the entire length of this walk & keep up with this group's moderate (not slow) pace to attend this event.


We'll be walking on paved (bluestone or concrete) sidewalks, paved streets, dirt paths alongside the shoulder of the roads, and well-trimmed grass alongside the shoulder of the roads. Although many of the streets are relatively flat, there will be some streets with uphills or downhills along the way.

BRING LUNCH/PLENTY OF WATER. No place to buy lunch/water at train station or at our lunch spot.


No restrooms at the southport, CT train station. About 35 minutes or so after we start, there will be a restroom stop at a waterfront park that has one restroom located in a building & another restroom located at a portable potty next to that building. There will also be at least one more restroom stop later on.

We'll either have an early lunch (in a small waterfront park) or a late lunch (near a beachfront).

No dogs, please!

If you register & later cannot go to this event, please change your response to "Not Going" as I take "No-Shows" very seriously.

Bring extra layers of clothing, as weather can change quickly this time of year.

Bring sun protection. (We'll be walking at Southport Harbor and later at a small beachfront section/coastal walkway, so there will be some open spaces without trees. But many of the streets away from these areas are lined with trees and shaded.)

There is no need to post why you can't make walk.

Have question, contact John (Host) thru his private Meetup acct.

Train Riders:

Note: This is a CIRCULAR WALK, finishing back at the Southport Station at about 4:10 PM.

Take 10:02 AM Metro-North New Haven Line (Express) train from Grand Central, arriving Southport, CT 11:27 AM.

Reg. Fare: $14.00 one way. You have to buy ticket before boarding train or you will pay penalty (extra fare) on train.

Senior Fare: $9.25 one way. You can buy ticket before boarding train or buy ticket on train, using cash or credit card, W/O paying penalty (extra fare) on train.

NOTE: Ask conductor if the doors of train car that you are in open at the Southport RR station.


Note: This is a CIRCULAR WALK, finishing back at the Southport Station at about 4:10 PM.

Signs say parking is free for the weekend at the Southport RR station. To be sure, go to: Parking. (Southport is a neighborhood in the Town of Fairfield.)

Bad weather (rainy or very windy conditions) cancels. If Sunday's forecast calls for bad weather, I'll send cancellation before 6:00 PM Saturday. If I don't send cancellation email, I plan to be there.

Photo of NYC/NJ/CT Walks: Explore Architecture, Art, History & Nature group
NYC/NJ/CT Walks: Explore Architecture, Art, History & Nature
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