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Meeting/Challenge & CNN update

From: Beth
Sent on: Thursday, April 9, 2009, 11:53 AM
Hello Members,

The "Send your wallet on vacation" challenge begins this Monday April 13th and will end on April 20th. For one week, I am challenging all of you to live without money.

April is financial literacy month and this challenge will help you gain a better understand of your relationship with money and how to live on less and become more resourceful. If anyone still wants to participate publicly please email me immediately.

Everyone can participate and try this in their own lives. If you are scared to try it, then you have to ask yourself why? Write down all of the reasons and come to our next meeting to address these issues.

I have posted the challenge details and rules to the challenge in the "files" section of the meetup website.

Our monthly meeting will be held on thursday April 23rd at 6:00pm at the Ripley Grier Studios. The fee is $10 to cover the cost of the room. All of the meeting details are posted on the meetup website.

Our speaker this month is Helen Kim. She is a top money relationship coach with over 20 years of experience as a consultant. She will help us uncover our money beliefs and develop clarity about the way you make money decisions and choices.

Are you frustrated you?re not earning your potential or stuck at a certain salary? Would you like to learn how to make more money than you ever imagined? Helen Kim will teach us why certain people are only capable of earning a certain amount of money and others will become millionaires. She will help up address the emotional and spiritual aspects of money and finances.

Also, I just wanted to thank everyone who came to our meeting last month. CNN was very pleased with the turnout and was happy to film it. The Help Desk series has started and you can see it on online at On the page you?ll see a Video section where the Help Desk videos will be listed. They will be adding two new ones each week to the page (as well as to the homepage), so be on the lookout for our member?s questions.

If you have any questions and/or comments please feel free to email me.

Thanks and happy holidays to you all.

Beth Frazier
Organizer for the NYC Women's Investment Group

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