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Re: [affiliate-29] An Exclusive Invitation.

From: Geo W
Sent on: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 2:31 PM
What are your rates?

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

From: Zorka Kovacevich <[address removed]>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb[masked]:00:30 -0500
To: <[address removed]>
Subject: [affiliate-29] An Exclusive Invitation.

Zorka Kovacevich

Owner / Virtual Web Worker���

���I Mind Your Business���

[address removed]




Dear David,


Kindly, please consider allowing my announcement letter (located below) to reach our Group���s membership. I developed my ���Blog A Business Card��� service specifically in order to give assistance to self-employed freelancers, soloists, and small ���micro��� businesses.


I help them get and keep their presence on-line.


A free introductory test-drive of their website is built into this offer.


A credit card is not required to try it out and there is no obligation whatsoever to purchase anything. The process is so simple it only requires them to send me an email request to [address removed]


As a small business owner, I can only say that ���it takes one to know one������ and I know just how tough it is today to stay in business or even get started without your own website.


The pricing for this exclusive opportunity fully takes into consideration that small business owners are constantly struggling with endless restrictions of never having enough time and money.


Because these are all highly-resourceful people as only entrepreneurs tend to be, I have no doubt that most of them could setup their own sites for free on the Web. Yet a lack of money often pushes their attention into more urgent directions.


They simply don���t have the luxury of extra time to devote to an extensive learning curve.


Having their own business website, one that is fully supported by me as their personal assistant in every respect from creation to development to maintenance will give them the ability to do much better for themselves.


They will not have to worry about cost if an important improvement needs to be made to their site because my prices are structured to encourage them rather than stand in their way.


This will give them the power to focus on marketing and selling.


They will be able to move forward with self-confidence knowing they have a supportive, reliable professional taking care of their website needs.


With their own website they will immediately gain credibility because customers will be able to find them on the Web��� and most importantly on their own site.


This opportunity will instantly open doors for them to the infinite universe of free advertising and promotion available only on the Internet!


Won���t you please take a look at my offer and consider giving this gift of opportunity to the members in our Group who need it the most?


As Organizer of this Group, by generously allowing your members to access this valuable resource you will contribute directly to their well-being, success and prosperity now and in years to come.


If you have any questions you only have to ask and I will be glad to provide the answers.


Thank you so much for giving your membership a chance to dramatically increase their earnings.


I���m positive they will appreciate your desire for their success and prosperity!


Sincerely, Zorka

Zorka Kovacevich

Virtual Web Worker���





NEW! Just Launched.

Let's Build Your Website & Blog All-In-One



An Exclusive Invitation

To The Entrepreneurial Membership




Dear Co-member,


Entrepreneurial members of who still don���t have their own business website or blog will find my new service incredibly useful.


It���s a totally new way of building your website and blog all-in-one which can be used both as a blog or as a website or both-- the choice is all yours!


There���s no need to pay an expensive web developer and you completely eliminate the time-draining frustration of trying to do it all yourself.


There's absolutely no obligation to buy anything.


This is a FREE opportunity for you to test-drive a website and blog all-in-one.


There's nothing for you to learn or master. There are no long boring registration forms to fill out and your credit card number is NOT required.


Everything is done for you. All technical and creative decisions are made for you based upon the easiest and simplest way to present your business on-line.


To get started all you have to do is answer 2 simple, very easy questions. It will take no more than 5 or 10 minutes of your time.


Afterwards, if you decide to keep the site running so that search engines can easily find it the price is less than that of a good meal. Should you decide to purchase the site after seeing it you���ll pay my ridiculously low price for having created it for you.


To find out even more about my extremely low prices go to ���Blog A Business Card��� on the Web at:


Concerned about future maintenance?


Looking into the future, if you need further assistance you will tell me what you would like to see done.


As for maintenance of your site, I will post, beautifully format and publish your new content to the Web with updates including additional or revised information, as instructed by you.


My other professional services available to you include social media marketing, graphics, copy writing and editorial assistance if you should require them.


And, every once in a while you���ll hear from me about exclusive offers, recommendations, and suggestions along with fresh insights about how to improve your site easily, effectively and inexpensively.


This way you will learn about what is possible, what works and what doesn���t, and what else you may need to consider doing that can be very helpful to branding and selling your business to potential customers.


On the other hand, it���s also possible that you may never need anything else again aside from your basic site. Many businesses don���t. But if that should change because of new information, products, services or offers you'll simply send me an email.


That���s all there is to it.


My price for basic maintenance services?


They���re charged at about the same price as you'd pay for a latte and snack at Starbucks.


As for Domain Name Registration and Hosting���they are both free-of-charge.


There are no hidden costs, annual dues, registration or membership fees.


A one-time very inexpensive setup charge is all you���ll pay if you decide to keep your site live after the test-drive.


CLICK HERE to read more and find out how to request a free test-drive of your new website/blog all-in-one. Or, paste this link into your browser:


Please don���t let another day pass by without a website to promote your business.


What can possibly be more important than communicating with your prospective customers?


Your credibility and earnings are both at stake.


If you can���t be found on-line you are truly invisible and customers will never know that you even exist. Start right now building a solid foundation for your business growth with ���Blog A Business Card���.


With your own website the payoff will be increased visibility, which leads to increased sales, which leads to earning more money, which leads to a happier you.


This tiny investment of your time can result in astronomical growth in loyalty, branding, and sales.


I look forward to helping you get there.


Sincerely, Zorka


Zorka Kovacevich

Owner / Virtual Web Worker���

���I Mind Your Business���

New York, NY USA



P.S. This is a time-limited by invitation only offer good until February 28, 2010. Right now there are only 42 spots available. Once they���re gone, I don���t know when I���ll be able to make this same offer again so it has to be on a first-come first-served basis.


P.P.S. No time to visit my ���Blog A Business Card��� (

website right now? But anxious to grab this opportunity while it���s still available? You can place your free test-drive request here now and later on at your convenience visit my site to read more.


Here���s how you do it:




Send your email to: [address removed]


s     ADD This Into Your Subject Line: "Test-Drive Request".


Answer The Following 2 Questions:


  1. How do you want customers to be able to contact you? What���s the best way to reach you? Don���t forget to include names, phone numbers, email address, location, etc.


  1. What is your business about? Please tell me about your business, offer, or who you are, or whatever it is you do that your customers need to know. There is no minimum amount of text you can send, but please no more than 500 words can be used with this introductory offer.


Word Count Tool


To easily find out how many words are in your content, submit your text for an immediate word count by pasting this link into your browser:




Please do not send attachments, I cannot open them until we get to know each other a little better. I'm sure you understand why.


If you have any questions, do send them as well.


Please remember to visit my ���Blog A Business Card��� (

 website when you get an opportunity to learn a lot more about my unique business support service.


I think you���ll be pleasantly surprised to find out that I am not just interested in providing you with assistance that takes care of your important business tasks. That I���m equally interested in helping you achieve positive results using your all-in-one site to get you more paying customers.


And that's all there is to it. I do everything else for you.


The link to your new website/blogsite all-in-one will be emailed to you within 3 business days.


Please be sure to add me to your email address contacts so that your link arrives safely and on time and that it doesn���t end up in your spam folder. ���Zorka



Contact Me:


Zorka Kovacevich

Owner / Virtual Web Worker���

���I Mind Your Business���

New York, NY USA



Telephone +1 [masked]


Email [address removed]


On The Web:


Blog A Business Card


Virtual Administrative Assistant


Zorka Kovacevich (Bio)


Linkedin (Profile)



���I completely respect your privacy! And will never ever sell, rent or share your email address.��� ���Zorka



animated twitter button

Follow Me On Twitter


If this service is not for you, perhaps there is
someone you know who would benefit from it?
Please feel free to pass it along to
family, friends and colleagues. Thank you.


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