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NYC Atheists Zoom Meeting

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NYC Atheists Zoom Meeting


Also, check out our Friday In-Person Meetings! There are 3 separate, recurring event series for each Friday. 2nd Friday is at Gramercy Park Towers: 7:00PM-8:00PM. 1st & 4th Fridays are at NYSEC Meeting House: 7:00PM-9:00PM.

NYC Atheists Zoom Meeting
Wednesdays: 8:30PM - 10:00PM

The Atheists/Secular Meetup

All are welcome!
Including those who are not Atheists and are inquiring. Agnostics, non-theists, freethinkers, and theists, too!
Atheism is not a belief, a religion, a faith, or an opinion. It is a conclusion.

Click on our calendar or Meetup page to get connected.

Meeting Agenda
Currents Events impacting Atheists
US Supreme Court
NYCA Events

The Atheists / Secular Meetup
Place: Meetup (Zoom Meeting)
Day: Wednesdays
Time: 8:30 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
Rev. # 7
Host and President: Ken Bronstein
1. Reasons for their interest in attending the NYC Atheist / Secular Meetup
2. Visitor’s Philosophical viewpoint expressed
B-Members’ response to visitor’s current viewpoint
II-AGENDA (Issues {Set Time limit observed per Issue})
A-Atheists / Secular (humanist) News Reports
1. Discussion
2.Action to take
B-Review and resolve issues of previous meetings
C-New Activities or Guest Speaker’s Presentation
1. Video, Displays Etc.
2. Q&A
III-CHIT-CHAT (Time permitting).
A-Political / Social

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 774 425 6001
Passcode: 700g03
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Meeting ID: 774 425 6001
Passcode: 710532
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Meetings are private despite being open to the public. Recordings are prohibited. You may share what you learned, but not direct quotes and identities.

Let it be known and agreed upon, that NYC Atheists Inc. is a §501(c)(3) non-partisan, nonprofit educational organization. We are obligated to follow all the rules required by the IRS. Therefore, according to the IRS, There will be NO ELECTIONEERING either by discussing or by electronic means of either approving or disapproving a "Candidate or any Process" thereof as written in the IRS's §501(c)(3) requirements. Otherwise, at our discretion only, we will stop the unapproved discussion and or electronic display by the individual we feel is at fault for that action. If one persists in going against this bylaw or is very disruptive, that we have the right to remove that person or persons from our "Zoom" meetings and report them to the appropriate authorities.

By joining in our "Zoom" meeting, you have agreed to follow the above Statement.

NYC Atheists Inc. is a §501(C)(3), non-profit, non-partisan, educational association with these Purposes and Goals:
To promote total and absolute separation of church and state.
1. Becoming a Proud Atheist by developing a helpful toolkit to respond to any opposition or misunderstanding of Atheism respectfully.
2. Critical Thinking on Climate Change, e.g. The Greening Revolution.
3. Periodic Science Presentations, e.g. Evolution, scientific breakthroughs.
4. Is the Right-Wing Christian Nationalism a threat to the survival of the Constitution?
5. Secular Governments vs. Theocratic Governments worldwide.
6. Chat & TalkGPT and other iterations of AI, will the future be Great or in Great Danger for our civilization?
7. Our meetings and membership are open and all are welcome, (both nonbelievers and believers), atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, secularists, skeptics, humanists, separation-of-church/state advocates, and individuals who are questioning and searching beliefs.

NYC Atheists Inc.
PO Box 6444
New York NY 10150-6444

Photo of NYC Atheists group
NYC Atheists
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Every week on Wednesday until September 29, 2027

Online event
Link visible for attendees