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NO ATTENDANCE LIMIT: Ellen Johnson "How NOT to Sue in Atheist Cases" - NYCA - Sunday, June 8, 2014 - 12:00 PM BRUNCH

Sent on: Monday, June 2, 2014, 5:16 PM
NO ATTENDANCE LIMIT The Former AA Prez & Atheist Legend Analyzes, At NYC Atheists Sunday  Brunch, June 8th, "How NOT to Sue in Atheist Cases"

    Don’t get her wrong: Ellen Johnson is totally on side of Atheists. It’s just that, as former president of American Atheists Inc.(AA), a position she held for 13 years, and as the hand-picked successor to that role by the late Madalyn Murray O’Hair herself, Johnson cannot understand why we Atheists are willing to settle for second best.


    Johnson, herself a longtime fighter for Atheism in courts during her tenure in AA, was flabbergasted and disappointed that in the “Miracle Cross” case, our AA attorney asked only for a plaque, saying that Atheists also died on 9/11, to be placed on the wall beside the steel beam “Cross.” That is wrong, Johnson says. “We want that Cross totally out of that state-supported museum!”

    plaque?  “That is not about stopping actions that violate the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution! We need to fight for removal of all religious representations from properties supported by our Atheist tax money.”  Her motto for us, says the feisty, outspoken leader, is “Atheism First and to Hell with Equal Access!”

    AA Founder’s Protege’

    Ellen Johnson, who was Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s protege' while O’Hair was alive, carried on the leadership of the AA organization after O’Hair went missing in 1995. O’Hair and her family were found in a shallow grave in Texas in 2001.  They had been murdered by a former employee and ex-convict.

    The feisty, outspoken and elegant Ellen Johnson not only kept AA alive while O’Hair and her family were missing, but took special pains to preserve O’Hair’s collection of old and rare Atheist books and magazines, some of which no public library would preserve because of their Atheist content. Currently, Johnson is the founder and head of  “Enlighten the Vote,” a nationwide organization helps Atheist citizens run for public office.

    Johnson: Courageous Atheist Legend

    Come on June 8th to hear one of the Atheist legends of our time, the beauteous and courageous Ellen Johnson.  Come early, because whenever Ellen Johnson speaks to NYC Atheists, we have a full house and standing-room only.

    Come and hear how Ellen Johnson, one of the few women fighters now extant in the U.S. secular movement, would have us hone our law suits for posterity’s sake.



    WHAT: "How NOT to Sue in Atheist Cases," a talk by Ellen Johnson former president of American Atheists Inc. and currently head of “Enlighten the Vote,” an organization to help more Atheists run for office.

    WHEN:         SUNDAY, JUNE 8,  at 12 p.m.

    WHERE:       THE PRESS BOX932 Second Ave. (Bet. 49th / 50th Streets) – 2ND FLOOR.

    COST:           Brunch is $20, including buffet entrees, salad, soft drink, coffee tax and tip.  We encourage seconds!