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<job> FT Sr. Java SW Eng. Web Ad Server Apps Infrastructure, NYC; attractive compensation package

From: molly m.
Sent on: Sunday, June 27, 2010, 3:53 PM

Summary: Server Applications Java sr. Software Engineer NYC; Ad Serving apps exp; ML; distributed Apps; Full time: V. Competitive Salary; Urgent; call Molly at fremontconsulting (dot) com

Senior Software Engineer - Infrastructure  [please feel free to share with others]

Our client, an innovative advertising startup, is seeking a creative Senior Software Engineer with real-time and distributed computing experience. Engineers on this team design, build, deploy and optimize services our for high volume ad analytics infrastructure. This is a hands on position that requires extensive development for release in a production environment. The ideal candidate will have good analytical and troubleshooting skills, fluency in coding and excellent communication skills.


Work with an open/friendly team of engineers and research scientists

Contribute to product vision/direction

Create robust high-transaction production applications

Design and implement extremely high-volume, fault-tolerant, scalable server systems

Propose and test improvements to ad targeting, ranking, and delivery algorithms

Aggressively collect, analyze, and respond to data related to product performance

Production software and environment troubleshooting


 BS in Computer Science or a related field, MS preferred

Extensive experience with distributed software development, environments, and tools

Experience building large-scale server applications and reliable software

Strong OO knowledge

Expert in Java

Expert in the Linux/OS X command line

Proven list of shipped products

Excellent communication skills


Experience in auction theory, online advertising, payment processing, and/or machine learning a plus

Previous startup experience

Experience with cloud computing platforms

Experience with non-relational (NoSQL) document oriented data stores

Summary: Server Applications Java sr. Software Engineer NYC; Ad Serving apps exp; ML; distributed Apps; Full time: V. Competitive Salary; Urgent; call Molly at fremontconsulting (dot) com


Molly McClure
VP of Services
Fremont Consulting
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Representative Clients: Cisco, SAP America, EDS/HP, IBM, Delegata, Wells Fargo Bank, Intel, Format Studio LLC, MSC Software, Franklin Templeton Investments & many others.

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