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Sr. JAVA Developer opening - NJ

From: user 5.
Sent on: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 2:36 PM



I’m looking to hire a Sr. JAVA Developer to work with a direct-client of mine in Chatham Township, NJ. It’s a very exciting contract-to-hire opportunity, where the contract period is very short (3-6 months max).


The position is with a fast-growing software company operating in the financial domain, and they are working towards creating a ground-breaking trading platform with support from many high-profile players in the market.


Please find a brief description of the job below, and let me know if interested ASAP.


Primary Responsibilities

  • Working with a small team to create a world-class algorithmic trading software
  • Hands-on with a large direct contribution to our platform design, architecture and implementation.
  • Leading/mentoring junior developers through code review and collaborative development process.
  • Promoting and implementing the latest technical advances in modern Java/Scala web infrastructure, rich web-based JavaScript UI, high-performance distributed systems.

Required Skills

  • CS/EE degree, advanced degree preferred.
  • 5+ years of industry experience with Java development.
  • Expert Java skills and design patterns including best practices and in-depth knowledge of core libraries.
  • Familiarity with Scala or a strong willingness to learn this modern JVM-based language.
  • Experience with team-based development on commercial software products.
  • Strong experience with complex distributed systems at high scale.
  • Experience with Agile methodologies.
  • Strong knowledge or Oracle, MySQL or PostgresQL database and related Java ORMs like Hibernate/JPA.


Interviews can be scheduled as early as the start of next week, and the hiring process is fairly fast. Please e-mail me at jake.kris(at)arowanaconsulting(dot)com if interested.


Look forward to hearing back from you!


Thank You.





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Arowana Consulting Inc |

1550 Park Ave.

South Plainfield, NJ 07080


A member of Arowana Consulting

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