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Careers @ arvato Systems NA

From: user 4.
Sent on: Friday, July 20, 2012, 5:47 PM


arvato Systems is seeking current and future talent who are energetic and curious about innovation and technology in the eCommerce space. We believe that our people and their expertise are our biggest resource and we aim to encourage and challenge you, both professionally and personally. We offer a variety of developmental opportunities including a chance to work with world- renowned brands as well as the ability to explore in domestic and international locations as we continue to spread across the world. 


What we do is interesting, challenging, and can really move things—for both you and your career. We are looking for people who aspire to perform at a higher level both personally and while working together as a team. You will have many opportunities to take an active role and demonstrate your skills. We expect a high level of individual initiative, and the willingness to take on responsibility.



·         Willingness to learn, a can do attitude, and motivation to succeed and grow

·         A minimum of 3 years of Java experience,

·         A minimum of 3 years in web technologies (Java web frameworks, HTML, CSS, Javascript)

·         Experience working with  SQL database

·         Experience working with XML and JSON technology

·         Has worked with bug tracking (such as JIRA or Bugzilla)

·         Ability to deliver high quality and in time

We would also like you to possess


·         E-Commerce knowhow

·         Knowledge of a dynamic language (such as Ruby/Python/Perl)

·         Interest in learning/ knowledge of the Hybris platform


About the company


We are an 80 people group, that functions more like a start- up but belongs to the media conglomerate, Bertelsmann. Our main focus is the development of cutting edge eCommerce platforms for mostly large and global companies, like Reebok, Adidas, Sephora, L'Oréal, Estée Lauder, Dior, TaylorMade, AshworthGolf. We have mainly 4 services: The project delivery (project based delivery), professional services (specialized consultants/experts), operations, and product development (cutting edge eCommerce functionality). We have locations in New York, San Francisco, Uruguay and globally in Europe and Asia. So for whoever is interested, travel to or temporary assignments is possible and encouraged.


In general we are a young, dynamic, agile team that does great work and is also lots of fun. People who join, just stay!


We are looking for all levels of Java Developers, Business Analysts and Project Managers in New York, San Francisco, and Chicago who thrive in an agile entrepreneurial environment.







Chinyere Enyinna

Human Resources Manager

arvato Systems NA

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