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Regenerative Homesteading workshop- this Sunday, May 2nd in Ellenville NY

From: Alice U.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 12:47 AM
From friends at Regeneration CSA

pls fwd to any interested folks!

Sunday May 2nd, 10am - Kevin Skvorak from Regeneration CSA will be leading a hands-on?Permaculture workshop in?Ellenville NY.

Topics covered will be homestead site assessment of energy and water
resources, practical homestead scale design, and of course! installing some permanent garden
beds. ?

This is a hands-on workshop so bring what you need to?help with a new garden installation!

This workshop will provide valuable and practical skills for anyone
interested in living a more abundant and sustainable lifestyle right now! It will
also provide resources for anyone concerned about the future, and who
seek a more resilient and self reliant future for themselves, their?families, and their communities.

Morning workshop 10am to 1pm:??Siting, designing, and installing sheet muched garden beds. ?Learn about how to make a productive, ecologically healthy, and weed-free garden without ever tilling!

1pm?Potluck?Lunch.?? Bring something to share if you feel like it!

2pmish??Overall site and design discussion.?We'll take a walk around the property and share some design ideas. It is a nice site, with a pond and creek running thru it. The start of a fine regenerative homestead!

??We believe sustainable?living skills need to be available to all who want them. The workshop?is open to all, and there is no obligation or pressure to pay.?? -?
Donations (25$ recommended for those who can afford it!) will be?gratefully accepted!

To learn more about what Permaculture is visit:

Regeneration CSA?????

Regeneration CSA
at Outback Farm
81 Clove Valley Rd
High Falls NY 12440

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