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What we’re about

"Photography Community Photo Walks in New York City"

We focus 100% on our Photographer's Community to feature the best of the best photographs from around New York State, the US, and the World! We do our best to show everyone how fun it can be to enjoy each other's companies and individual cities across the country by exploring cities around us and local businesses such as restaurants, bars, lounges, centers, and of course hotel rooftop lounges. Giving back to our community is our primary goal. We also organize community events for networking purposes, to help connect each other to enjoy the same passion we all can genuinely relate to in photography and business.

If you're also interested we organize photography workshops/classes for beginners in the photography world for DSLR/iPhone/Android shooters. Check out our website for more information.

Who should be joining us at our InstaMeets/MeetUps/PhotoWalks Events are
Photographers, iPhone & Android shooters, Potential and inspiring new artists interested in photography as a hobby or business.

We are networking at our events, taking photos of cityscapes or landscapes and portraits depending on where we will be hosting.

"Join Today, Grow Tomorrow, Lead the Future"

The message was written by Sam @nyctme & Severine @theredmeche