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Re: [nycpython] PYXC-PJ: a Python to Javascript compiler

From: Matthew Mario Di P.
Sent on: Friday, October 29, 2010, 7:32 PM
Cool. Is there something like this to convert Ruby into JavaScript?
Why would you use such a tool? Would one example be to get form validation code on the client (JavaScript) and the server (Python), in case the user disables the JavaScript on the browser to try to crash your site?
What's another better example?



On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Andrew Schaaf <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey everybody,

I've just released a Python-to-JavaScript compiler:

It's a lean, mean, syntax-transforming machine, similar in spirit to CoffeeScript, transforming your Python syntax to exactly the JavaScript syntax you'd expect.

Hacker News comments and up-votes welcome:

- Andrew

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