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Wednesday's Meetup

From: Gloria W
Sent on: Monday, August 13, 2012, 12:46 PM
Hi all,

We lost our host space, but Meghan Gill came to the rescue, and found 
new host space. Yay Meghan!

The new location is:
Union Square Ventures, 915 Broadway (btwn 20th/21st), 19th floor.
GetGlue is our Pizza and soda sponsor, and will be speaking briefly 
about what they do.
I'll be bringing some beers. Feel free to bring some as well.

We have one speaker, we need one more speaker, and some lightning talks. 
We've got a couple of requests for info on RaspberryPi, so if you've 
been playing with this device recently, please feel free to speak about 
what you and/or others are doing with it. The bets article I've seen 
recently is this one:


I'm going to be pinging people in the audience to briefly talk about 
what they're doing, so bring a small bit of code with you, and don't be 
afraid to share! This is what Meetups are all about.

Note: This space is tight for 100 people. PLEASE remove yourself from 
the attendee list now if you think you cannot make it. There are many 
many people on the waiting list.

See you Wednesday,