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Python Programming for New Programmers: $50, 2 hrs, Sat Feb 16th, MakerBar, Hoboken

From: Gloria W
Sent on: Sunday, February 10, 2013, 4:43 PM
The event:

The description:

Do you feel like you are missing programming skills? Do you feel stuck trying to get started? Join me for a 2 hour exploration of programming basics with the Python language. Python is a great language to get started on because it's fun and easy to learn.

You will gain the skills to:

-Build a basic calculator

-Format text and numbers

-Learn how to make a computer do your bidding

After completing this class I will show you how you can continue to learn Python and improve your skills.  We will be following the Learn Python the Hard Way, exercises 1-10.

A laptop is required to take this class.