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Re: [python-172] Next meeting

From: Douglas M.
Sent on: Monday, April 13, 2009, 8:18 PM
DVDev - Distributed Versioned Development, an open source tool for  
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On Apr 13, 2009, at 8:12 PM, David Christian wrote:

> Hello all,
> NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 21st, at 7PM
> LOCATION: Return Path, 304 Park ave South (map:­)
> Note: Enter on 23rd St, and it's on the 7th floor.
> TOPIC: Lightning talks!
> So folks at the last meeting were interested in doing shorter talks on
> a broader variety of subjects.  For the next meeting, we're planning
> on doing lightning talks.  These can be fun, but are best when
> everyone gets involved.
> Q: What is a lightning talk?
> A: In short, a lightning talk is a 5 minute talk about anything.  It
> should likely be something that your fellow python developers would
> find interesting, but that's about the whole of the guidelines.  But
> you have to give your talk and be done in _5 minutes_, or you will be
> cut off.  The beauty of this is we can get introduced quickly to a
> number of new topics, and folks can present on something without
> having to be willing to give a 45 minute long presentation.
> If things are going well, a beautiful thing can happen - while the
> initial lightning talks are going, more people will realize they have
> something to say and they'll start prepping a lightning talk in the
> back of the room.  This can create a kind of conversation that can be
> fun to follow and be a part of.
> Q: Should I give a lightning talk?
> YES!   The only way an evening of lightning talks work is if people
> sign up.  THIS MEANS YOU.  Especially if you're an experienced
> developer.  I'm sure you have something to say - it's time to share it
> with us; we want to know.
> Q.  What do I do if I want to give a lightning talk?
> A: Just respond to this email with a sentence describing your topic,
> and you'll be on the list.
> Q: What's a good topic for a lightning talk?
> Anything that you're wanting to get off your chest.  But if you're
> struggling for topics, here are some that work well:
> 1.  Why my favorite module / add-on package is X.
> 2. I want to do cool project X. Does anyone want to help?
> 3. Successful Project: I did project X. It was a success. Here's
> how you could benefit.
> 4. Failed Project: I did project X. It was a failure, and here's why.
> 5. Heresy: People always say X, but they're wrong. Here's why.
> 6. You All Suck: Here's what is wrong with our community.
> 7. Call to Action: Let's all do more of X / less of X.
> 8. A Funny Thing happened to me on the Way to the Mailing List /
> Newsgroup / Web Forum.
> 9. Wouldn't it be cool if X?
> 10. Someone needs to do X.
> 11. Wish List
> 12. Why X was a mistake.
> 13. Why X looks like a mistake, but isn't.
> 14. What it's like to do X.
> 15. Here's a useful technique that worked.
> 16. Here's a technique I thought would be useful but didn't work.
> 17. Why add-on package X sucks.
> 18. Comparison of similar add-on packages X and Y.
> 19. Why we should be paying more attention to X.
> 20. My Favorite Feature
> Ok, so by now you're thinking that one of those topics is something
> you can talk about.  So just hit reply-all and let us know what it is
> you've got to share with us.
> Cheers,
> Dave
> --
> Please Note: If you hit "REPLY", your message will be sent to  
> everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
> https://python.mee...­
> This message was sent by David Christian ([address removed])  
> from The New York Python Meetup Group.
> To learn more about David Christian, visit his/her member profile: https://python.mee...­
> To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here: https://www.meetup...­
> Meetup Support: [address removed]
> 632 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 USA