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call for volunteer for Django based project

From: Wes C.
Sent on: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 4:54 PM
I've been volunteering for a microfinance group, ACCION USA (https://www.accion...­ 
), for a couple months now on development of a volunteer tracking  
system. I'm looking for some additional help, preferably somebody who  
has experience with Django. The time commitment will be somewhere  
around an average of 2 hours per week over the course of the next  
couple of months. I'll require some level of dependability, but doing  
work here and there is ok too.

The system is built with Django, and will be used to track their corp  
of volunteers and skill sets. They expect about 300 people this year.  
A partially complete version is already in use, so we're not building  
from scratch.

If you're interested, feel free to drop me an email.
