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This Week's Project Night: Come One, Come All, Especially Beginners! Plus Practice Interview Question

From: Eric F.
Sent on: Sunday, September 24, 2017, 6:32 PM

Hi folks,

This Wednesday, we have a project night. Us organizers will be there to answer all your beginner Python questions (but any questions are welcome!). If you're looking for a mentor or someone TO mentor, come along! There's also quiet space for those who just want to do their own thing.

If you haven't yet, RSVP here:

And continuing our mission to help all you jobseekers find a job, here's a real interview question which I have been asked:

Two phrases are anagrams if you can rearrange the letters in one to form the other. For example, "anagram" is an anagram for "nag a ram." Write a function that checks whether two strings are anagrams of each other.

Answer in a future email -- or you can ask me to walk you through it at our event on Wednesday.

See you soon,