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This Week's Meetups: Project Night and a mini sprint with PyData NYC!

From: Eric F.
Sent on: Monday, April 9, 2018, 11:40 AM

Hi everyone,

This Wednesday, we're having our regularly scheduled project night! Project nights are our weekly hacker/social hours for catching up on personal projects, reading, or anything similar.

Everyone is welcome. You're welcome if you haven't written "hello world" yet, and you're just as welcome if you're a core contributor to the Python language.

If you haven't yet, RSVP here:

If you've got a pet project, great! Comment on the event and see if you can get someone to collaborate with you!

On Thursday, we are running a mini sprint with PyData NYC! A mini sprint is a more organized event where everyone collaborates on an open source project to improve the Python community. This week's mini sprint project is `python-dateutil`, which is maintained by our very own Paul Ganssle! You can read more about `python-dateutil` here - this link points to the documentation, but there's a link on the page to the GitHub and PyPI pages:

RSVP here:

See you soon!