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Get a 5-year subscription to Github for free

From: Melissa Carroll W.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 6:53 PM

Hi all!


It was great seeing many of you last week!  We're getting the video together and will post that on the meetup tomorrow.


In the meantime, I wanted to share that I'm launching a giveaway:



Github allows you to learn, share, and work together to build great software.


But for your own startup or for client projects - it isn’t free. Everyone has code they don’t want to share with the world.  :) I pay $84 every year for the personal plan.


But you can have it free until the year 2021 with this giveaway. (that’s a $420 value!)


(If you’re a current Github personal plan subscriber, that’s fine too. I’ll just send you the cash to pay for your subscription.)


Enter by clicking right here.





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