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Damien's Birthday Party Update! Tonight on Rooftop or at Concrete!

From: user 2.
Sent on: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 1:23 PM
Hello Everyone,

I look forward to seeing many of you at my big birthday event tonight... It's definitely looking grim for the rooftop (90% chance of rain), but either way know that we will have a great time!

At 8pm I will decide if we keep the party at my place or move it to Concrete, a home away from home. They offered to replicate exactly what I had planned for the roof, including Purple Rain on the screens, Prince music mixed in with your club/party favorites, and great snacks and drinks. For those that didn't get my previous invites, I chose the theme of Prince because it was his birthday a couple of weeks ago and there's no one with more flair! Learn more about hm at

Concrete is a cool tapas bar/mini-club located on 37th Street between 8th & 9th Avenues, halfway between Penn Station and Port Authority with easy access to the A,C,E,1,2,3,7,N,Q,R,S,W,B,D,F,V subways. They will have some drink specials and snacks for the group. Whether we're on the roof or at Concrete, bottles are still welcome!

Bring your friends, family, and wear something pink/purple if you can!



Damien's Birthday Party "Prince-Style"
Saturday, June 20th @ 9pm
Rooftop: 69 West 107th St, 5C [masked])
Concrete: 320 West 37th St [masked]‎)

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