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What we’re about

The purpose of this group is to promote and expand the education of Crypto Currencies, DeFi, Mining, NFTs, NFT Gaming and all things blockchain to those in Oakland County Michigan.

Information sharing and learning are the primary focus. A friendly place to ask rookie/noob questions.

A place to network with other blockchain-friendly people and get extra mileage from your blockchain related research. IE; if I learn about Axie Infinity and you learn about the Helium Network, we can both exchange information within the meetings and ALL are wiser!

Although we'll start out with online events, I want this to be a local face-to-face group primarily. This is why I'm putting the limited geographic reference right in the title of the group. Heck, I would even like to eventually have a building or meeting/learning center in central Oakland County that would allow for 24/7 access to all things blockchain, but that's a discussion for another time...

Come join this group who's primary goal is accessibility, information interchange and mutual learning of this wonderful blockchain-related industry!!