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What we’re about

LINE is a close-quarters combat system, derived from various martial arts, utilized by the United States Marine Corps between 1989 and 1998, and then from 1998 to 2007 by US Army Special Forces. It was developed by Ron Donvito, United States Marine Corps (Retired).

The system was designed to be executed within specific and stringent combat-oriented conditions:
·        (a.) all techniques must not be vision dominant; techniques may be executed effectively in low-light conditions, or other impaired visibility conditions (i.e., smoke or gas)
·        (b.) extreme mental and physical fatigue
·        (c.) usable by the Marine / soldier while wearing full combat gear ( we won't use full combat gear)
·        (d.) proper execution of the techniques must cause death (or serious injury) to the opponent
·        (e.) gender neutrality; must be usable by—and against—either gender

I am looking for men who can dedicate 8 weeks to learning this system. The course is free, however, it requires at least 3 days a week. Late attendance will not be tolerated. It also requires men who possess decent fitness.