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OOUX for AI & AI for OOUX

Photo of Sophia V Prater
Hosted By
Sophia V P.
OOUX for AI & AI for OOUX


In this two-hour (or three hour...) special edition of OOUX Happy Hour, Sophia Prater will go over how generative AI and OOUX can support each other.

πŸ’™πŸ’›β€οΈπŸ’š ➑ πŸ€– How can OOUX help you design and build better AI? We will go over 5(+?) ways you can use OOUX to enhance your AI designer skill set.

  1. Learn to use the ORCA process to strategically and systematically identify areas to apply AI. Think Bots as roles in your CTA Matrix, recommendation engines in your Nested-Object Matrix, and generative content design on those yellow sticky notes. 🎯
  2. Spin up an OOUXy 4D content audit and strategy to design a company's ecosystem of generative-AI bots (because they'll probably need more than one). Map the connections between a team of bots and their knowledge base sources. YES, I'll be giving away my Notion template. πŸ’…πŸ»
  3. Design and map bot interactions, handoffs and "collaboration" using a Nested-Object Matrix. 🀯
  4. Use OOUX to create a "world model" for your bot(s) to better simulate an understanding of the bot's domain and the relevant objects in that domain.🌎
  5. An OOUXy take on prompt design. How to anticipate desired user prompts and design wow-worthy outputs. This a new paradigm of UI and it's going to be sooo much fun to design for.

πŸ€– ➑ πŸ’™πŸ’›β€οΈπŸ’š And, on the flip-side, how can you use AI agents to enhance and speed up your OOUX work? I'll introduce you to the team of bots I've been refining and aligning and 'teaching" about OOUX:

  1. Meet Libra β€” the OOUX Librarian. See under the hood of the Searchie Wisdom platform: what it does so well, and not so well.
  2. Meet Christine β€” the free OOUX assistant (and saleslady).
  3. Meet Zoe β€” the premium OOUXer who can answer all of your questions 24/7...and help you build OOUXy artifacts. And design ORCA Sprints. And analyze your Object Maps for gaps and suggestions. 🀯

I don't plan to present any slides, bullet points, or theory. I will be showing you exactly what I am doing β€” the tools I am using, the experiments I am running. We'll be looking at my Whimsical boards, my Notion databases, and the back-end of my new OOUX Bots.

My goal = in just a couple hours, diffuse the overwhelm and show you how to seamlessly integrate AI in really exciting and effective ways.

Photo of Object-Oriented UX Happy Hour group
Object-Oriented UX Happy Hour
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