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Introduction to Functional Programming with OCaml

Photo of Sabine
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Introduction to Functional Programming with OCaml


Join us at OCaml Meetup Saar for a session on the basics of functional programming using OCaml. In this event, we will look at the fundamentals of the OCaml programming language, its key features, and how it differs from other paradigms like object-oriented programming. OCaml defaults to immutability, and offers first-class functions, and pattern matching, which enables building scalable and maintainable software.

After a short intro to the language, anyone interested can work through a tutorial where we write a simple blog in OCaml from scratch. (We will be working through an improved version of

Whether you are new to functional programming or you are already experienced, just drop in and connect with like-minded individuals!

Photo of OCaml Meetup Saar group
OCaml Meetup Saar
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Halle4 - Coworking Space + Hub - Teil des Fase.Network
Halbergstraße 4 · Saarbrücken, SL
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