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New Meetup: Beer & Tarot.....New Location!

From: James
Sent on: Friday, September 18, 2009, 10:17 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Diego Occult Meetup Group!

What: Beer & Tarot.....New Location!

When: October 7,[masked]:30 PM

The Station Tavern
2204 Fern Street
San Diego, CA 92104

OK friends...I've scouted out a new location for our monthly mixer!

We're going to meet at: The Station Tavern in South Park

This is nice little bar with an outdoor patio area which is perfect for out meet-up and for reading tarot, etc. The noise level is much lower than Blue Foot Bar and they serve food too!

The Station is located on Fern Street, right across from Somberos, just South of the Whistle Stop.

So join us for a casual social evening with like-minded souls. We start at 7:30 and usually hang out well past 10 p.m. Bring your cards too!


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