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New Meetup: Labyrinth Walk Meditation

From: James
Sent on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 11:10 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Diego Occult Meetup Group!

What: Labyrinth Walk Meditation

When: October 17,[masked]:00 AM

Blue Sky Ranch
near Barona Casino in Lakeside
Lakeside, CA 92040

Join us Saturday morning as we walk the Labyrinth at Blue Sky Ranch.

This is a wonderful opportunity to engage the mystical energy that is
growing as the fall season moves deeper into the darkness.

When? Saturday, October 17th @ 9:00 a.m.

What? Event includes a guest speaker and the walk. Entire event lasts about an hour.

Where? Blue Sky Ranch (near Barona Casino.....RSVP and I will email directions)
Donations Accepted


What is a labyrinth? A labyrinth is a sacred geometrical symbol with a single path leading to a center point. It is not a maze because there is only one path. Its unique pattern is designed to shift awareness from left brain to right brain as you walk, inducing altered states of consciousness. It allows those who enter to experience other ways of "seeing." The center point is the place of power.

In a most basic sense, the labyrinth represents the spiritual journey; that of venturing to the center of your innermost being and then returning to the world with a broader sense of who you are. It is a metaphor for life's journey. Inherent within the design of the labyrinth is its archetypical power, dating back some 3,000 to 4,000 years.

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