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What we’re about

Welcome to our community of people experiencing meaningful life after the Watchtower. Join us in putting our new-found freedom to good use!
We all sit with the grief brought about by the loss of cherished relationships, but we are here to make new connections and uncover who we authentically are, beyond our past traumas.
If you have privacy concerns, feel free to sign up using a pseudonym. Some of us aren’t disassociated or disfellowshipped, but instead have chosen to fade (become inactive) with the hope that we can maintain at least some contact with people who are still “in”. Whatever strategy people chose in distancing themselves from JW influence, we are respectful.
ARE YOU A DOUBTING, CURIOUS JW? You aren’t alone, you are part of the silent majority. You owe it to yourself to follow the prodding's of your conscience and really "make sure of all things". Put aside your fear, use your powers of discernment and investigate the claims the society has made and the policies it enforces. Truth withstands scrutiny.
Many of us were raised as JW’s and were pioneers, elders and MS's. We understand how difficult a transition leaving is, but we are here to support you in this new chapter of your life, should you want to start it. Feel free to email if you’d like to anonymously correspond with someone from our group.