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Wonders of Spiti

Photo of Chandni Aggarwal
Hosted By
Chandni A.
Wonders of Spiti


Wonders of Spiti
1 June -8 June (Mixed Gender)

Link for complete details:

Spiti Valley is a magnificent cold mountain desert, also known as the land of Lamas. Prayer flags dancing in the wind, healing mantras in monasteries, the simplistic rural life, heart-warming natives, the world’s highest villages, pristine lakes, clear night sky with zillion stars, the mouthwatering yak cheese, and the aroma of momos, are a few bundles of joy that can only be found in a timeless place like Spiti Valley. The valley leisurely follows its rhythm; least impacted by modernization and fast-paced city life. It’s a complete world in itself, a beautiful adobe nestled between India and Tibet offering overwhelming hospitality, the taste of rich culture, and soothing one’s eyes with awe-inspiring views.
The smiles of lamas, the views from Kunzum Pass, the glittering Spiti River, the magnificence of Key Monastery, the unparalleled beauty of Chandratal Lake, the laid-back life of Langza and Demul, the pride of Hikkim, the mystery of Gue Mummy, the silence of meditation caves, and many more wonders of Spiti Valley are worth visiting once in a lifetime.

Trip Highlights:

  1. Rohtang Pass
  2. Atal Tunnel
  3. Kumzum Pass
  4. Key Monastery
  5. Kibber Village
  6. Chicham Bridge
  7. Meeting a Thangka Painter
  8. Gue Village & Mummy
  9. Tabo Monastery & Meditation Caves
  10. Dhankar Monastery & Fort
  11. Stargazing
  12. Khungri Monastery
  13. Mud Village (Pin Valley)
  14. Demul Village
  15. World’s Highest Post office
  16. Komic Monastery
  17. Lanza Village Walk
  18. Buddha Statue Langza
  19. Fossil Hunting
  20. Chandra Tal
  21. Unforgettable Social experience

Link for complete details:
You can also check out our Tripadvisor and Google reviews by clicking on their respective terms.
Instagram: @transformingtravels
Chandni Aggarwal
+91-9999749677 (WhatsApp/ Call)
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Offbeat and Rural Travels
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