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RE: [OKC-WordPress-Users-Group] looking for wordpress users to outsource to

From: Angela A.
Sent on: Monday, November 7, 2011, 11:21 AM

Hi JC,


Let us know if Patrick or myself may be able to help with some project outsourcing. I use Builder myself and have customized many sites with it, so I am familiar with it’s functionality.


My best,



Angela Allmond


Web and Social Branding Design & Development Solutions



You can connect with me above


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of JC Riley
Sent: Monday, November 07,[masked]:17 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [OKC-WordPress-Users-Group] looking for wordpress users to outsource to


Hey there,


I thought I'd give a shout to the group.  I've been blessed to grow quite a bit lately and was wondering if anyone in the group would like to do some sub-contracted WP work for my company.  We have a couple of support projects ready to start and we could use a contact for some web design outsourcing too.


We build everything in iThemes Builder platform so most of the WPUG here is pretty familiar with it.  If you're interested, just reply and we can go over the details.


For HIM,

JC Riley
All For HIM Marketing Solutions


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