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Directions to Tai Chi

From: Myles
Sent on: Sunday, September 11, 2011, 3:30 PM

Hi all Tai Chi'ers,

I have heard that a few people have had difficulty finding the Tai Chi group.

If you have had difficulty please have a look at this google map that Edwin kindly made for us:
(Hint: once the map opens, click on the words Tai Chi in One Tree Hill to see the pinpoint location on the map)


Here are the directions that are normally in the invitation:



1. Enter One Tree Hill from the Greenlane West entrance.

2. Follow Pohutukawa Drive until you come to a large round about.

3. Turn sharp left at the round about into a large car-park.

4. If you drive straight ahead in the car park you should see a small group of people exercising on the grass. That will be us.

Kind regards


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