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Mastering Leadership in Tech | Strategies for Success

Photo of Alyse Lucey
Hosted By
Alyse L.
Mastering Leadership in Tech | Strategies for Success


What does it take to be a Leader in Product, Engineering and Design in 2024?

What are companies looking for when they hire leaders, and how do you 'survive' the demands of the role?

The perks of Leadership roles are well documented – a bigger impact across a portfolio of projects, exclusive access to information, and often bigger salaries, bonuses and equity grants.

But of the people who do take the step into Leadership, 82% are seen by their employees as lacking in leadership skills, and 69% of leaders are seriously considering quitting for a job that better supports their wellbeing.

This event is about helping you stack the odds in your favour.

Benjamin F. Wirtz, who runs Leadership Development Programs for people in tech at Scalable Leaders, will share why the jump into leadership is extra hard for people in tech, and how to set yourself up for success.

With everyone in the audience, we will break down a case study of how to turn a crisis into success.

Chief People Officer at Good on You, Claudia Barriga-Larriviere and The Onset co-founder and CEO, Sean McCartan, will give you a behind the scenes look at what organisations are looking for in leaders in 2024, and how to navigate the leadership interview process.

Set yourself up for success. Join us on Wednesday 8th of May at The Onset.

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